Orc Brute Armour
Orc Brute Armour
Orc Brute Armour
Orc Brute Armour
Orc Brute Armour

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Orc Brute Armour

statt € 998,40
€ 499,20

inkl. 19% MwSt,
zzgl. Versandkosten*

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Orc Brute Armour is an entire armour set designed to give you an orcish appearance. Made from chrome-tanned leather plates strapped together using tough leather, this armour set has great structural strength meant to last a long time and resist deformation. Additionally, felt padding reinforces the armour against the skin to absorb blows. Tribal decorations enhance the look, featuring leather laced edges and brown accents riveted to the armour. Orc Brute Greaves Poleyns, leg guards and sabatons designed to protect the knees, shins and feet during combat. Secure these greaves to your leg using the leather straps around the hamstring, calf and foot. Orc Brute Bracers Armguards and gauntlets designed to protect the forearms and hands during combat. Secure this gauntlet to your arm using the leather straps around the arm and hand. Orc Brute Shoulder Armour Pauldrons designed to protect the shoulder while making you look intimidating. Secure by tying the split-leather straps around the chest and arm. Orc Brute Belt w. Tassets Designed to protect the lower abdomen and hips during combat. Secure this belt to your waist by tying the split-leather straps through brass rings in the front.



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